Most breweries start with a plan.
We started with some scrap metal (or what those larger breweries deemed as scrap). To us, with no balance in the bank account, we considered every chunk of scrap as gold.
Prior to churning out the first few batches in 2010, Tony amassed as much equipment as he could that other brewers had put out to pasture – all while he was consulting on brewhouse installations and projects around the world. Not that the equipment was bad, it was just no longer needed or did not fit in the new designs or installations these brewers were putting into service.
The quality of the equipment wasn’t where the importance lied, and still isn’t – it’s the quality of the beer you produce using that equipment.
Design/Cut/Weld/Fabricate was our means of making exactly what we needed to challenge any brewer in making some high quality liquids. We use a “unitank” style of brewing, which means the beer is never transferred, moved, beat up, or bruised in the process. A gentle transformation into a perfect beer without any of the complexities. And we’re still cranking away on the same equipment that we’ve kept in perfect running order, and made better over time.
“Clean, Balanced, Interesting” – Tony Lawrence